What are expressive and receptive language disorders?
Expressive language involves communicating a message to others — what you can say.
Receptive language means understanding information coming from others–what you understand.
When speech fails to develop normally or there is a delay in the process, the result is a language disorder.
Signs of a receptive language disorder are:
- Difficulty understanding language
- Problems following spoken directions
- Difficulty organizing thoughts
- Having a hard time understanding what someone has said
Signs of an expressive language disorder are:
- Limited vocabulary
- Leaving part of words out of sentences or phrases
- Difficulty putting sentences together
- Echoing or repeating certain phrases
- Improper use of past, present and future tenses
- Having a smaller vocabulary than other children of the same age
- Can not answer simple “wh” questions
We’ve worked with many children and adults who have both receptive and expressive language disorders for many years. We have provided a list of language milestones that will help you evaluate your child’s progress.
If you or someone you love are having difficulties with comprehending speech or expressing yourself verbally, please schedule an appointment with us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.